cash - paper money and coins people keep with them and use to pay for things, cent - equal to 1/100 of a dollar; the smallest unit of money in the US, dime - the third smallest coin value in the US; worth 10 cents; dimes are silver in color and have bumpy edges, dollar - the unit of money used in the US, exact change - paying the same amount that is due with no extra money; the cashier does not give you any money back, nickel - the second smallest coin value in the US; worth 5 cents; nickels are silver in color and have smooth edges, penny - the smallest coin value in the US; worth 1 cent; pennies are copper in color and have smooth edges, quarter - the largest common coin in the US; worth 25 cents; quarters are silver in color and have bumpy edges., receipt - a small piece of paper that lists what you bought, how much it cost, and how much you paid; this is usually printed by a cash register, refund - money back for an item or service; sometimes given when a person takes a new, unused item back to a store; a receipt is usually required.,

Money BAsics Vocab for Newcomer


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