Do not step in the puddle. , Can you help me with the puzzle? , I held the handle on the bike. , Jack had an apple in his lunch bag. , Put the needle back on the table. , Is that a rattlesnake? , Did you win a prize in that raffle? , She had to stifle a giggle. , Gail went and got the mail. , The train went off the track. , Can you help me paint the wall? , We ran up the pathway. , Fay said, "Can I stay up until ten?" , Can you get that stain out? , Steve paid for the chair. , He put the bait on the rod. , I fell on the stairway. , Gwen put her hair in a braid. , Did Blain say he would be late? , , , , , Did you hear that creak?, Did he seem angry to you? , That was a big heap of leaves!, His teeth are clean. , I had a bad dream. , He had cream in his tea., We had a feast on Thanksgiving. , Can you sweep up the mess? , The deer got a drink from the stream. , Jean and Josh went to the beach. , I had to clean his jeans. , The treat is too sweet. , I had to speak to the team. , The queen sat on her throne. , He had to clean his cleat. , He cut his heel on the glass. , The steam came out of the teapot. , Steven has bacon and eggs. , David was silent for a moment. , Edith got a refund from the shop. , Did you begin the test? , We stayed in a hotel. , We had a lazy day at the beach. , Did you donate those clothes? , Get rid of the rodent. , We had to heat up the frozen peas. , Can you give me the repellent? .
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