Phoebe bought a little guidebook about Istanbul from the tourist office., They made a list of all the sights they wanted to see., The nearest underground station was called Taksim., Patrick and Alex pushed through the crowd and jumped onto the train., Alex and Patrick talked about what to do. How would they find Phoebe., ‘Let's go and see all the sights we wanted to see.', They visited the Blue Mosque with its beautiful blue tiles., ‘Can I help you?' a voice said. ‘I'm Ali.' Ali was about the same age as them., ‘Hm! You lost your friend at the underground station in Taksim., Sure enough, when the three boys arrived at Taksim they found Phoebe., ‘I'm so sorry!' Patrick said. ‘It wasn't very clever that we got on the train without you!', ‘We can go and see them tomorrow!' said Ali. ‘That's a great idea,' said Phoebe., Ali was unhappy to say goodbye. .

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