What TV series are you watching these days?, What are some of your favorite movies? TV series?, What was the last movie you saw? What was it about? Did you like it?, Do you like to watch the same movie more than once?, How do you feel about violence in movies and on TV?, What kinds of movies and TV shows do you think are bad for kids? Do you think age restrictions on movies are a good idea?, What are ways of using movies/TV to learn English?, How do you think American films and TV shows are different from Spanish ones?, Do you think movies and TV shows can be educational? What are some examples?, Do you prefer watching movies at a theater or at home? On your phone? Computer? Why?, When you watch English movies/TV shows, do you prefer subtitles or ones that are dubbed into your language?, Are sequels ever as good as the original? Give examples of good/bad sequels., How do you choose what movie/TV series to watch?, Do you enjoy movies/TV shows from your own country or other countries more? From which other countries?.
Movie Discussion Questions
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