misinformation - untrue or wrong information, mis- - A prefix that means wrong, bad, to deceive (verb) - to make someone believe something that is not true, deceptive - adjective form of "deceive", current - (adj) happening now; of the present time, reputable - Having a good reputation; well thought of; honorable or trustworthy, author - a writer of a book, article, or report, purpose - What a person wants to do; a goal or objective, point of view - a person's attitude or opinion on a subject, phony - fake, not real, to verify - (v) to establish truth, common Sense - natural intelligence; thinking skills, skeptical - not easily convinced or persuaded; not believing, credentials - qualifications that make a person an expert or trustworthy, fake news - news that is intended to mislead with misinformation, opinion - a statement of personal belief. This is NOT fake news, sensational - something that causes a lot of excitement, bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.,

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