1) What is the correct spelling? a) recentt b) resey c) recent 2) What is the correct spelling? a) topikal b) toppical c) topical 3) What is the correct spelling? a) jones b) hones c) honez 4) What is the correct spelling? a) lavish b) labish c) labbish 5) What is the correct spelling? a) vital b) bital c) bitals 6) What is the correct spelling? a) rodate b) rotade c) rotate 7) What is the correct spelling? a) musical b) muzical c) musikal 8) What is the correct spelling? a) ellement b) element c) lement 9) What is the correct spelling? a) donot b) donut c) donnot 10) What is the correct spelling? a) energitic b) energetic c) anargetic

Test 2.1



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