Multicultralism - Using ideas and beliefs from a variety of cultural backgrounds, Population Density - The number of people living per square mile. , Infrastructure - The basic facilities, servies, and installations, needed for the functioning of a community or a society., Latitude/Longitude - Imaginary lines that give the exact location of a place, Culture Regions - a geographic area in which people have certain traits in common., Cultural diffusion - Sharing of culture elements (Jeans in Thailand, K-pop in America), Limited Government - Everyone (including leaders) must obey laws, a constitution sets limits on how much power a leader has , Unlimited Government - Those in authority have complete control over every aspect of their citizens' lives (All power belongs, Organizing governments - The way the world organizes their government systems (Dictatorships, Democracy, Monarchy, Constitutional Republic), Limited Government characteristics - Leaders follow laws, individuals have rights, Constitutions, Unlimited Government characteristics - No laws to limit leaders authority, No individual rights, leaders do what they want, Economic Systems - Systems in which money, industry, and trade are organized. (Free Enterprise, Socialist, and Communism), Factors of Production - Are the resources that people use to produce the goods and services (Goods, labor, resources), Economic Activities - Agricultural, Retail, Service industry, Manufacturing , Transportation Corridors - Geographic feature or element that allows easier travel or movement, Transportation Barriers - Geographic feature or element that prevents travel or movement ,

Fall DPM review 22'


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