1) Size of the problem: You dropped donut boxes on the ground a) Small problem: you pick it up yourselr b) Medium problem: you need an adult to pick it up c) Big problem: It is an emergency 2) Size of the problem: the kitchen caught on fire! a) Small problem: you can fix it yourself b) Medium problem: you need a coworker to help c) Big problem: An emergency! Call 911 and tell an adult! 3) What could you do if you are late to work? a) Cry and scream b) Tell your boss you are sorry c) Don't go to work 4) What could you do if you spilled coffee on the floor? a) Run away b) Ignore it c) Clean it up by yourself 5) The towel you are using to wipe the table is dirty, what could you do? a) stop cleaning tables and go on your phone b) Ask where you can wash your towel so you can keep cleaning c) Get angry 6) Size of the problem: your coworker is saying mean things to you a) Small problem: you can fix it yourself b) Medium problem: Tell an adult such as your parents or boss c) Big problem: An emergency! Call the police

Problem Solving at Work



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