estoy hablando - I am talking, está tomando - she is taking, estamos bailando - we are dancing, estás durmiendo - you (friend) are sleeping, estáis abriendo - you (all Spain) are opening, están repitiendo - the students are repeating, están leyendo - Juanita and Pilar are reading, estoy creyendo - I am believing, está estudiando - Paco is studying, está cerrand6 - it is closing, está empezando - it is starting, estamos aprendiendo - we are learning, estamos caminando/andando - you and I are walking, está comiendo - Dad is eating, está bebiendo - Mom is drinking, estoy escuchando - I am listening, estáis descansando - you and your friends are resting, estamos cocinando - my friend and I are cooking, está practicando - the family is practicing, está jugando - the team is playing,

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