Alaaf - Typical Carnival greeting in Cologne's dialect, Altweiberfastnacht - "women's carnival" on Fat Thursday when women cut off men's ties, Bützje - a kiss on the cheek  , Jecken - The revelers are called this in Cologne's dialect, Kamelle - Carnival sweets and candy, Rosenmontagsumzug - The Shrove Monday parade is the highlight of the carnival parades., Helau - Typical Carnival greeting in many areas OTHER than Cologne, Aschermittwoch - On this day, the carnival festivities are all over., Strüßje - A small bouquet of flowers, Kölle - Cologne in the local dialect, Karneval - Carnival in the Rhineland, esp. Cologne, Fasching - Carnival in Eastern Germany (Bavaria, Thuringa, Brandenburg) and Austria, Fastnacht - Carnival in Southwest Germany and in Switzerland, 11.11. um 11.11 Uhr - The official start of the Carnival season, Faschingsdienstag - The last day before lent.,

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