订书机(dìng shū jī) - Stapler, 订书钉(dìng shū dīng) - Staples, 回形针(huí xíng zhēn) - paper clips, 长尾夹(cháng wěi jiā) - binder clips, 图钉(tú dīng) - Thumbtacks, 铅笔刀(qiān bǐ dāo) - pencil sharpeners, 便利贴(biàn lì tiē) - sticky notes, 板擦(bǎn cā) - board erasers, 胶水(jiāo shuǐ) - Glue, 文具盒(wén jù hé) - pencil box, 笔袋(bǐ dài) - pencil bag, 笔筒(bǐ tǒng) pen holder - pen holder, 了 (le) - indicate past tense, 当然 (Dāngrán) - of course, 可以 (Kěyǐ) - can, 借 (Jiè ) - borrow/ lend, A 向B借 ( Axiàng B......jiè ) - A borrow ......from B, 借给 (jiè gěi) - lend,

ZB Item and borrow


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