Do you think we should spend our time doing things like watching TV or being active, e.g. playing a sport?, How many sports do you do in your free time?, What do you usually eat for breakfast?, How did you spend the last weekend?, What are you going to do on autumn holidays?, Do you feel you usually have too much homework?, When do you do your homework?, Do you have enough free time? If you had more free time, what would you do with it?, Do you have free time on Sundays?, Do you have much free time during the day?, Do you have much free time in the evenings?, What hobbies do you have?, Tell me about some good places to hang out. Why are they good?, Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?, How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?, How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?, If it were suddenly announced that tomorrow was a national holiday, what would you do?, Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How?, Do you like gossiping in your free time? Who do you gossip with? Who do you gossip about?, Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How? What can you do about this?, Are there any activities that you used to do but don't do anymore? Why did you stop?.
teenagers speaking A2+ (free time)
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