1) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) ban - ish b) b - anish c) bani - sh d) ba - nish 2) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) ethn - ic  b) eth - nic c) e - thnic d) et - hnic 3) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) t - imid b) ti - mid c) timi - d d) tim- id 4) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) k - idnap b) kid - nap c) kidna - p d) kidn - ap 5) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) adm - it b) a - dmit c) ad - mit d) admi - t 6) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) camp - us b) cam - pus c) campu - s d) ca - mpus 7) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) rock - et b) roc - ket c) ro - cket d) rocke - t 8) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) solid b) so - lid c) sol - id d) soli - d 9) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) inp - ut b) inpu - t c) i - nput d) in - put 10) Where would you scoop the syllables? a) ha - bit  b) hab - it c) h - abit d) habi - t

Syllable Breaks


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