1. There was a lot of ____ ____ between my brothers. 2. My mom ____ me ____ for not finishing my homework. 3. I ____ ____ to my elder sister because she is very successful. 4. I ____ ____ my dad in terms of my love for art. 5. When I was sick my mom always had to stay at home to ____ ____ me. 6. My best friend is like family and I have always been ____ ____ him. 7. My cousin was ____ ____ his parents and always got what he wanted. 8. My aunt ____ her son ____ after their big fight. 9. My parents ____ me ____ to value honesty. 10. My siblings and I used to ____ all the time when we were younger. 11. My younger brother constantly ____ ____ my nerves with his loud music. 12. She is ____ ____ her children and always puts them first in her life. 13. The son was ____ ____ his parents after they found out about his criminal activities. 14. When I need advice, I can always ____ to my cousin who is very wise.

Navigate Upper-Intermediate Family Vocabulary



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