To splash out - to spend a lot of money on something., To shop till you drop - to do a large amount of shopping., To keep up with the Joneses - to envy what others have and to use their possessions as a social benchmark for one's own status., Guilty pleasure - something that one enjoys despite knowing that it is considered bad or unhealthy, Status symbol  - a possession which shows a person's status or wealth., the second thought - a change in a decision or opinion, A dopamine - a hormone that is made naturally in the body and may also be given as a drug, Despite + verb-ing - without taking any notice of or being influenced by, An abundance (of) - the situation in which there is more than enough of something, Clutter - (a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy, To declutter - to remove things you do not need from a place, in order to make it more pleasant and more useful, A thrift store - a shop selling second-hand clothes and household goods, typically to raise funds for a charity., A landfill - the process of getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it, or a place where rubbish is buried, Sustainable - causing, or made in a way that causes, little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time,

Consumerism (speaking club) - match the words to their definitions



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