: Professional Cuddler - You could be helping people who are struggling with loneliness, depression, trauma, medical problems, or who are simply in need of an extra cuddle…from a stranger., Golf Ball Diver - Basically professional recyclers, golf ball divers retrieve golf balls from bodies of water in or around golf courses., Online Dating Ghostwriter - You could earn cash by writing profiles for people to post on their online dating site profiles., Hippotherapist - You’d be using the therapeutic benefits of horses and their movement to help human patients to overcome speech, physical, or mental health disorders., Professional Bridesmaid - A Professional Bridesmaid is more like a friend for hire – think organiser, confidant, and non-complaining member of the wedding party., Water Slide Tester - You check to see if the water slides in resorts, theme parks, and hotels are both fun and safe. Imagine how fantastic it would be turning up to work every single day, Odour Judges - You are hired by manufacturers of all kinds of products to test out their aroma before they hit the market., Face Feeler - In this job, you’d be using your hands to feel product testers’ skin both before and after they’ve used lotions, creams, and other products, then report back on the differences., Line Stander - You’ll be holding a spot in line for someone else who can’t (or doesn’t want to) do it themselves., Bed Tester - You could be paid to test out comfort levels, sleep quality, room conditions, and other factors., Pet Food Taster - You’ll have to assess products on packaging, smell, nutritional value, and – yes – the texture and taste as well.,
Describe the day. Unusual jobs
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