Contact Precautions: Direct transmission (Contact with patient), Indirect transmission (contact with equipment or items in the patient's environment), MRSA, CDIFF, RSV, Hep A, Draining wounds in which certain organisms have been cultured, Scabies, Herpes simplex virus, Airbourne Precautions: Transmitted through small droplets or particles that remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods, Requires a negative-pressure room and filtration system, N95 respirator mask, Eye protection (goggles or face shield), Varicella (chickenpox), Rubeola (measles), COVID-19, Droplet Precautions: Transmitted through large droplets suspended in the air, May be generated when an infected patient coughs, sneezes, or talks, May be produced during medical procedures such as suctioning, endotracheal intubation, CPR, Mumps, rubella, and pertussis, Influenza, Pneumonias (steptococcal, mycoplasmal, meningococcal), Protective Isolation: May be used for those with compromised immune systems, Protects the patient from microorganisms in the environment, No live plants, fresh flowers, fresh raw fruit or vegetables, sushi, or bleu cheese, Patients must be assessed carefully for signs and symptoms of infection, Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Chemotherapy, Leukemia, HIV infection, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, A variety of protective precautions may be used (depending upon the patient's reason for compromised immunity), Severe sepsis,

Chapter 26: Infection Control - NUR 155


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