exact exacts exacted exacting, contact contacts contacted contacting , I'm drinking a smoothie consisting of mango, banana, and apple. , subject subjects subjecting subjective: My downstairs neighbor is subjecting me to loud music., impact impacts impacted impacting , The snow impacted my clothing choice!, I blended red and blue to make purple for my painting., She is blending up tomatoes to make spaghetti sauce. Yummy!!!, -2 points, disgust disgusted disgusting, protest protests protesting, sense senses sensed sensing sensation sensations , The genie in the bottle granted me three wishes!, insist insists insisted insisting : The students are insisting on better treatment for all people., instructs instructed instructing instructive ; The lesson was instructive., prices prices priceless overpriced underpriced ;  The ticket for the drive-in was overpriced!, -5, I clicked on the home button while she was clicking on her mouse., like likes liked liking lik'-a-ble unlike unliked un-lik'-a-ble, +3, - ALL POINTS ("Sorry" - from the Pig in a Wig), forbidden forbids forbade, She is twisting the handle because it was twisted the wrong way on the first twist., men tre-men' tre-men'-dous tremendous; The bake sale was a tremendous success., +4 points, +6 points, - ALL POINTS ("Sorry" - from the Pig in a Wig) (j/k), - 1/2 your points, re- re-spon' re-spon'-si-ble responsible; She is responsible for feeding her golden retriever., dev dev'-as dev'-as-ta-ted devastated; I was devastated to burn my pancakes!.

2nd of 2/10 ADV Don't be greedy II -s, -ed, -ing 3.5 words/sentences



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