I tend to/usually - Suelo, He/she tends to/usually - Suele, We tend to/usually - Solemos, They tend to/usually - Suelen, to use a computer - usar el ordenador, to go out with my friends - salir con mis amigos, to watch the television - ver la tele, to relax - descansar, to read newspapers - leer periódicos, to read magazines - leer revistas, to do sports - hacer deporte, to go to the sports centre - ir al polideportivo, to go shopping - ir de compras, to go to the bowling alley - ir a la bolera, to go to the ice rink - ir a la pista de hielo, to ride a horse - montar a caballo, to do horse-riding - hacer la equitación, to play the trumpet - tocar la trompeta, to play the drums - tocar la batería, to play table football - jugar al futbolín,

Module 4 Free Time Activities



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