Fort Sumter - 1st battle of the Civil War which took place in South Carolina. A Confederate victory., Bull Run - General Stonewall Jackson and other Confederate soldiers forced the Union army to retreat., Antietam - Single bloodiest day of the Civil War; 6,000 soldiers were killed. Lee retreated but the Union did not pursue his forces., Emancipation Proclamation - Lincoln stated that as of January 1, 1863 all slaves in rebelling states (the Confederacy) were free., Gettysburg - Turning point of the Civil War. Lee's army suffered heavy casualties and retreated. Union victory., Vicksburg - Union victory split the Confederacy in half and gave the Union control of the Mississippi River, Gettysburg Address - 2 minute speech delivered by Lincoln at a dedication ceremony of the Gettysburg battlefield. Lincoln said the purpose of the war was to preserve democracy., Sherman's March to the Sea - William Sherman's march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia in which the Union army waged total war and destroyed farms, businesses, and villages., Appomattox Courthouse - On April 9, 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. The Union won the Civil War., Lincoln's First Inaugural Address - Lincoln told Southerners the following: 1. He did not want to interfere with slavery where it existed. 2. His duty was to preserve the union even if it meant using force, Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address - Lincoln focused on the end of slavery and trying to bind up the nation's wounds "with malice towards none", Union - term referring to the North or the United States of America during the Civil War, Confederacy - term referring to the South or the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, 1861-1865 - years during which the Civil War was fought, Union advantages - larger population, money, supplies, Confederacy advantages - familiarity with the land; motivation to fight, Union disadvanatges - long supply lines; lack of motivation; European aid to the Confederacy, Confederacy disadvantages - fewer population, factories, money and supplies,
Battles & Events of the Civil War
8th Grade
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