atonement - being at one with God, blasphemy - making oneself equal to God, covenant - the agreement between God and His people, creation - the world or universe as created by God, crucifixion - the Roman death penalty of being nailed to a cross, disciple - a follower or student, Eden - the garden in Genesis 2 where everything is perfect, Exodus - the way out, the departure from Egypt to the Promised Land, faith - having an active trust in someone or in God, Fall - when Adam and Eve sinned and fell from grace, Golgotha - the small hill outside the walls of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, Israelites - another term for the ancient Hebrew or Jewish people, justice - treating others fairly; giving people what is rightly due to them, Messiah - the anointed one of God; God’s chosen one; Christ, miracle - an act of God which breaks the laws of physics, Moses - led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt in around 1250 B.C. E., parable - a story comparing everyday human events with the Kingdom of God, Passover - the time when the Israelites escaped from Egypt, persecution - ill-treatment on grounds of religious beliefs, race, sex, political beliefs, Pharisees - Jewish religious teachers who taught strict obedience to the law, prejudice - holding an irrational view against someone or some people, prophet - person chosen by God to speak God’s message to a person or people, resurrection - rising to new life from the dead, sacrifice - giving up something for something else of greater value, salvation - being saved from sin, sin - disobeying God and separating oneself from Him, Son of God - Jesus’ unique relationship with God, Son of Man - Jesus’ role as the one who would suffer for others, steward - to look after the world for God, worship - giving praise and honour to God,
New and Old Testament Theology terms
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