Never have I ever eaten food that had fallen on the floor., Never have I ever eaten brussels sprouts., Never have I ever thrown up on someone., Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom., Never have I ever eaten a bug., Never have I ever found week old food in my room., Never have I ever let a dog lick my face., Never have I ever written and mailed Santa a letter., Never have I ever played video games for more than 4 hours in a day., Never have I ever tried to convince a sibling that something I did was actually something they did., Never have I ever stuck my finger in a birthday cake., Never have I ever had an imaginary friend., Never have I ever thought of escape plans from an alien, ninja, or zombie invasion., Never have I ever eaten cold pizza., Never have I ever watched a Star Wars marathon., Never have I ever eaten a large pizza by myself., Never have I ever jumped into a garbage bin or dumpster., Never have I ever eaten the insides of Oreos and put them back in the container., Never have I ever tried to strategically time farts with loud noises., Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair., Never have I ever made silly faces at myself in a mirror., Never have I ever pretended to have my own cooking show., Never have I ever rocked out to disco., Never have I ever eaten so much sweets I felt sick., Never have I ever drunk more than 2 cans of fizzy drinks in a day., Never have I ever accidentally put clothes on backwards or inside out and not noticed., Never have I ever accidentally worn mismatched shoes without noticing., Never have I ever played a prank., Never have I ever made a prank phone call., Never have I ever sneaked desert before dinner., Never have I ever lied about doing my chores., Never have I ever put stuff under my bed or in my closet and pretended I cleaned my room., Never have I ever fed the pet under the table., Never have I ever tried on my parents' shoes., Never have I ever hidden something under my mattress., Never have I ever paid my brother or sister to do my chores for me., Never have I ever asked Dad something after Mom already said "no.", Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth., Never have I ever sat at the table by myself after dinner because I wouldn't eat my vegetables., Never have I ever slept in until after midday during summer holidays., Never have I ever tried on Mom's jewellery., Never have I ever locked myself out of the house on accident., Never have I ever slept in an indoor blanket fort., Never have I ever fallen out of bed., Never have I ever mixed together random items from the kitchen cupboard just to see what would happen., Never have I ever eaten a non-edible item like soap., Never have I ever worn my pyjamas all day when I wasn’t sick., Never have I ever turned off the alarm, gone back to sleep, and been late., Never have I ever eaten breakfast food for dinner., Never have I ever written secrets in a diary., Never have I ever jumped out to scare someone., Never have I ever lip synced in front of the mirror., Never have I ever been in the hospital., Never have I ever worn odd socks by accident., Never have I ever had a terrible haircut., Never have I ever broken a bone., Never have I ever gone out without brushing my hair., Never have I ever told myself a joke and laughed out loud., Never have I ever fallen over my own feet., Never have I ever picked my favourite colour Skittles out of the pack and left the other behind for everyone else., Never have I ever accidentally put sugar on my food instead of salt., Never have I ever cooked something so bad that people spat it out when they took a bite., Never have I ever laughed so hard that my drink came out of my nose., Never have I ever scooped a spoonful of peanut butter or Nutella out of the jar and eaten it like it was a popsicle., Never have I ever walked into a wall., Never have I ever been scared by my own reflection., Never have I ever drawn a face on my hand and used it as a puppet., Never have I ever eaten from a bowl, like a dog, to see what it was like., Never have I ever waved back at someone only to realise they weren’t waving at me., Never have I ever talked out loud to my toys., Never have I ever made up a secret language., Never have I ever begged to taste something, had a bite, hated it, but pretended to like it so I didn’t look silly., Never have I ever knocked over a drink on the table and soaked someone else., Never have I ever tried to draw with my toes., Never have I ever drawn a moustache on my face., Never have I ever been caught making faces behind someone’s back., Never have I ever answered someone only to find they weren’t talking to me., Never have I ever imagined I was someone else., Never have I ever pretended to be from another country and spent the day speaking in a fake accent., Never have I ever screamed aloud while watching a scary movie., Never have I ever been too scared to look under the bed and check for monsters., Never have I ever told a joke and had nobody laugh., Never have I ever called someone else mum or mummy by accident., Never have I ever answered the phone in a silly voice, thinking it was my friend calling, only for it to be someone else., Never have I ever drunk straight from the container., Never have I ever taken a bite from something and put it back in the fridge., Never have I ever eaten the last item in a packet and put the empty box back in the cupboard., Never have I ever made someone else late by turning off the alarm., Never have I ever secretly stayed up all night watching movies or playing games., Never have I ever borrowed clothes without asking., Never have I ever owned an exotic pet., Never have I ever picked mould off a piece of food and eaten what was left., Never have I ever thrown up in my mouth then swallowed it., Never have I ever laughed so hard that I cried..



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