1) You have two meetings with teachers scheduled at the same time. a) Miss both meetings b) Tell your parents to email your teachers to reschedule c) Email both teachers and ask if you can reschedule one of the sessions d) Eat a tub of ice cream 2) You have two meetings scheduled at the same time: one is a group and one is an individual meeting. a) Ask your parents to email the teachers to reschedule b) Email the teacher with the individual session and ask if you can reschedule. c) Go to both meetings with two different iPads. d) Hide under your bed and miss both meetings 3) You have two meetings at the same time. You ask one teacher to reschedule but the teacher said that she cannot reschedule your session. a) Ask the other teacher if she can reschedule b) Decide to miss one of the meetings without telling your teacher c) Miss both meetings d) Find a magic genie, free the genie to get three wishes, use one of your wishes to cure Coronavirus and go back to school 4) You are having a hard time keeping track of all of your meetings. a) Skip all meetings and play Fortnite b) Keep a calendar near your work area with all of your meetings written down c) Email your teacher to ask if she can keep track of all of your meetings for you d) Hire a personal assistant to manage your schedule and do your chores for you. 5) You are having a hard time keeping track of your assignments. a) Write all of them down on a list and cross them off as you go. b) Ask your parents to help you write an email to your teacher asking for help c) Both A&B d) Build a time machine and travel to the future so you don't have to do your assignments. 6) You want to look ready for your video calls. a) Brush your hair b) Wash your face c) Make sure your clothes are clean and presentable d) A, B, & C e) Eat some tacos 7) You will be writing during your meeting with a teacher. a) Sit at a table somewhere quiet but close to an adult b) Find a pencil c) Find notebook paper d) A, B, & C e) Find invisibility cloak and hide because you hate writing! 8) You are responding to a teacher's email. a) Hit "reply," type your response, and then hit "send" b) Start a brand new email c) Hit "reply all," type your response, and then hit "send" d) Train your dog to carry a message to your teacher's house 9) You are responding to an email from two teachers and you want both teachers to see your response. a) Hit "reply," type your response, and then hit "send" b) Start a brand new email c) Hit "reply all," type your response, and then hit "send" d) Go outside and yell your response really loudly and hope both teachers somehow hear it.

What would YOU do?!



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