Your teacher says the math assignment but does not write it down on the board. You didn't hear what the teacher said., You have just come back from PE. You are sweaty and your hearing aid is wet. It is making a weird noise., A student in your class keeps staring at your cochlear implant., You are talking with a friend when suddenly your hearing aid battery dies., Your teacher is introducing a new unit, and there are some vocabulary words you don't understand, so you're having trouble understanding., You are in the cafeteria having lunch. It's hard for you to hear the conversation your friends are having, and you're feeling a little left out., Your PE teacher is giving instructions on how to play the game, but there's another class on the other side of the gym making a lot of noise., You're in science class. There is another class working out in the hallway, and you can't hear what the teacher is saying., You are in the bathroom when an announcement is made over the loudspeaker. You didn't hear what was said., You didn't realize your cochlear implant battery didn't charge properly overnight. The battery dies in the middle of the school day..
Self-advocacy scenarios
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