Alternate arm-leg reaches- hold for 10 seconds, Alternate knee taps 10 times, Arm circles - 10 times each way, Bear walk 10 feet forward and back, Cross feet-extend arms- cross at wrists and intertwine fingers- pull toward chest and hold 10 seconds, Body tuck for 30 seconds, Burpees 5 times, Toss and catch 10 times, Crab walk 10' forward and backward, Crab walk 10 feet forward with a ball between your knees, Dribble ball 10 times, Duck walk 10 feet forward, Jumping jacks 10 times, Jump up 10 times, Jump rope 10 times- if you do not have one- pretend, Kick a ball -run to get it- dribble with your feet, Kick a ball with a friend, Take 5 step-slide steps to your left, Take 5 step-slide steps to your right, Throw a ball overhead to a friend, Push ups 10 times, Stand on one foot and spell your first and last name, Skip as far as you can, Plank on elbows -hold for 10 seconds, Sit-ups 10 times, Step-bend-roll and knock water bottles down, Step and throw ball overhead, Heel to toe walk in a line as far as you can, Wheelbarrow walk with a friend, Windmills 10 times.
30 Days of Spinning Fun in June !
Physical Therapy
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