Mathematics (1 course in level 100 or higher): MTH 111 - 5 credits, MTH 243 - 4 credits, Writing ( a minimum of 8 credits of writing): WR 121 - 4 credits, WR 122 - 4 credits, WR 227 - 4 credits, Arts and Letters ( 3 courses from at least 2 disciplines): ART 257 - 4 credits, WR 240 - 3 credits, ENG 106 - 4 credits, ASL 201 - 4 credits, Social Science (4 courses from at least 2 disciplines): GEOG 105 - 3 credits, PSY 201 - 4 credits, SOC 204 - 3 credits, PS 201 - 4 credits, EC 115 - 3 credits, Science/Mathematics/Computer Science (4 courses from 2 disciplines, 3 courses must be lab science classes (L)): BI 101A (L) - 4 credits, CH 104 (L) - 5 credits, CS 160 - 4 credits, GS 106 (L) - 4 credits, FN 225 - 4 credits, Health and Physical Education (1 or more HE/HPE/PE class totaling 3 credits): HPE295 - 3 credits, Oral Communications (one course in Speech or communication fundamentals): COMM 111 - 4 credits, Cultural Literacy (1 course from either Arts and Letters or Social Science that is designated as cultural literacy (C): RD 117 (C) - 3 credits, R 210 (C) - 3 credits,
Where does this class fit in my degree? AAOT practice
Vocational / Technical
College Knowledge
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