sequence - development follows an orderly _______, but proceeds at individual rates, group - type of play where children play with more than one person, physical - development stage where children learn how to control and coordinate their muscles, similar - development is __________ for everyone, solitary - type of play where children play alone, child - _________ development is the study of children from conception to 18 yrs old, social - development stage where children learn how to get along with others, parallel - type of play where children play near each other, imaginative - toys that get children to use their imagination, development - ability to learn to do difficult tasks, preschooler - 3 yr old to 5 yr old, imitative - toys to get children to act like someone they are not, moral - development stage where children learn right/wrong, growth - a physical increase in size or weight, caregiver - someone who is responsible for another person's needs, emotional - development stage where children learn how to understand their feelings, toddler - 1 yr old to 3 yr old,

Toddler Child Development Review



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