Gospel Focused : Teaches a high view of God, Teaches the GOSPEL, Teaches toward heart transformation, God's plan to make us right with God through Jesus Christ, God sending Jesus into the world for us, Teaches God is the center of the Universe, not you., Teaches God is worthy of honor and praise., Uses God as the standard, Teaches our identity is based on Christ's righteousness, Allows students to be uncomfortable in their sin, Allows the Holy Spirit to do the convicting., Trusts God's work, God's timing, and God's way, Shows God's love for imperfect people., Shows God's willingness to use imperfect people., Emphasizes God's love for people who cannot do anything for themselves, Moralistic Focused: Outward conformity to a set of rules that make us right with God., Praises children excessively to build self-esteem., Behavior determines their acceptance by peers and teachers., Aligns itself to the world's teaching., Focuses on what we have to offer God., Teaches the child what they can do to please God., Behavior Modification, Conveys our ability to affect God (Santa), Teaches that the child is the center of the universe., Hesitates to talk about indwelling sin (sins of the heart.), Comparing with kids who live sinfully on the outside (drugs, swearing, watching bad movies), Encourages good behavior to be on our team., Since God loves only "good people" kids never develop a heart for others., Uses others as a standard for behavior., Identity based on the good they do., Leads to religion over relationship.,
Christian - Gospel vs. Moralism Concepts
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