1) Hormone released from the thyrotropic cells a) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) b) antidiuretic hormone c) prolactin d) aldosterone 2) Cells that produce prolactin a) gonadotropic cells b) mammotropic cells c) parafollicular cells d) interstitial cells 3) Hormones released from gonadotropic cells a) TSH and T3 b) prolactin and FSH c) FSH and LH d) oxytocin and LH 4) Cells that produce growth hormone (GH) a) mammotropic cells b) follicular cells c) zona fasciculate d) somatotropic cells 5) Cells that produce adrenocorticotropic hormone  a) somatotropic cells b) chromaffin cells c) corticotropic cells d) gonadotropic cells 6) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is produced from ... a) supraoptic nuclei b) corticotropic cells c) paraventricular nuclei d) posterior pituitary 7) Cells that release catecholamines a) chief cells b) parafollicular cells c) chromaffin cells d) follicular cells 8) Paraventricular nuclei release ... a) growth hormone b) oxytocin c) cortisol d) aldosterone 9) Hormones released from zona glomerulosa a) mineralcorticoids (aldosterone) b) glucocorticoids (cortisol) c) DHEA d) epinephrines 10) Hormones released from follicular cells a) parathyroid hormone b) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) c) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) d) thyroid hormone 11) Cells that release calcitonin a) parafollicular cells b) follicular cells c) chief cells d) thyrotropic cells 12) Cells that release DHEA a) zona glomerulosa b) zona reticularis c) zona fasciculate d) pinealocytes 13) ______ produces vitamin D a) pancreas b) anterior pituitary gland c) epidermis d) heart 14) Cells that release parathyroid hormones (PTH) a) chief cells b) parafollicular cells c) chromaffin cells d) corticotropic cells 15) Hormones released from granulosa cells a) luteinizing hormone (LH) b) follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) c) prolactin d) estrogen 16) Melatonin is produced from a) chief cells b) pinealocytes c) islet cells d) interstitial cells 17) Alpha cells of the islet cells produce ... a) glucagon b) glucose c) estrogen d) insulin 18) Hormones released from thymus a) testosterone b) thymic hormone c) norepinephrine d) Luteinizing hormone 19) Cells that release testosterone a) granulosa cells b) islet cells c) interstitial cells d) corpus luteum

Hormone/hormone release cells


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