1) The movie star was _____________ by fans. a) surrounded b) costume c) customs d) parade 2) Jana wore a _____________ in the play. a) wonder b) costume c) customs d) favorite 3) That race car ___________________ very quickly! a) surrounded b) common c) travels d) wonder 4) I ________________ what time the show will start.   a) favorite b) travels c) common d) wonder 5) What is your ________________________ kind of food? a) common b) favorite c) wonder d) travels 6) Jumping rope is a ______________ game that children play around the world.   a) favorite b) surrounded c) common d) wonder 7) The bands are marching in a big ________________ on Thanksgiving Day.   a) travels b) costume c) favorite d) parade 8) A picnic and fireworks are _________________ on the Fourth of July. a) favorites b) costumes c) customs d) travels

4.3 Vocabylary



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