What year was the play set in?, What year was the play first performed?, What technique does J.B. Priestley use to great effect in the play?, What event are the Birling family celebrating when Inspector Goole arrives?, How did Eva Smith die?, After WWII, what did it mean to be class mobile?, What are the four main themes in An Inspector Calls?, Who are the main characters in the play?, Why did Arthur Birling sack Eva Smith from his factory?, Why was Eva sacked from her job at Milwards department store?, What two main things does Arthur Birling say won't happen in the future that make him lose credibilty?, After being sacked from Milwards, what does Eva Smith change her name to?, Who has an affair with Eva Smith/Daisy Renton and gets her pregnant?, Where did Daisy go after her affair with Gerald ended? How long for?, What political idea did J.B. Priestly believe in?, The ideas of common ownership and that we should all look after one another are tenets of what political view?, Arthur Birling is a business man, but he is also greedy and arrogant. What political/economic system is J.B. Priestley critical of?, What technique is this: 'When the audience or reader knows something which the main character/s do not', 'The idea that people can move upwards in class through educational success or otherwise' is know as being what?.

An Inspector Calls


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