ENDOCARDITIS: Can often be caused by improper dental care, catheters, IV drug use, Immunosuppression, Must get 2-3 blood cultures drawn over 2 hours from different sites. , Prophylactic antibiotics (gentamycin) before dental procedures, Antibiotic Therapy for 2-6 weeks, parenteral therapy, Surgical treatment is valve repairs, replacements, or debridement, Administer NSAIDS and Antibiotics, encourage fluid, the balance of rest, and activity, Get ECHO, Chest X-Ray, and ECG, May also be caused by untreated streptococcal infections, MYOCARDITIS: An inflammatory reaction to toxins such as medications, Symptoms include fever, fatigue, malaise, pharyngitis, dyspnea, lymphadenopathy, and nausea & vomiting, Diagnostics include endomyocardial biopsy, MRI, telemetry, Labs (WBC, ESR, Leukocytes), Monitor for chest discomfort, systolic murmur, gallop, or friction rub, Administer corticosteroid therapy, and cardiac meds (BBs, ACE, ARBs), Rest - activity limited for 6 months, fluid restriction, low salt diet, HOB elevated to reduce the heart workload, DO NOT use NSAIDs as they can worsen inflammation, PERICARDITIS: Inflammation leads to the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac , The accumulation of fluid causes increases pressure on the heart (Cardiac Tamponade), Pain is sharp, stabbing, in the clavicle, neck, and scapula, Feels better when sitting up, HOB should be at 45 degrees, Edema, dry cough/hiccups, JVD, Pain with breathing that worsens on inspiration, Friction rub heard most clearly at the left lower sternal border, Get EKG, ECHO, CT, MRI, Chest X-Ray, TEE, Monitor for Leukocytosis, the elevation of CRP, ESR, & Tropin Levels, NSAIDs for pain, as the pain is caused by inflammation, May also get Toradol, prednisone, pericardiectomy, and pericardiocentesis,
Caring for CARDITIS
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