I played badly. I lost 6-0, 6-0. - I played so badly that I lost 6-0, 6-0., The film was very bad. We left after half an hour. - It was such a bad film that we left after half an hour., The food was disgusting. Nobody could eat it. - The food was so disgusting that nobody could eat it., He made a lot of mistakes. The boss sacked him. - He made so many/such a lot of mistakes that the boss sacked him., The music was beautiful. Everyone stopped to listen. - It was such beautiful music that everyone stopped to listen., They were good seats. We had a perfect view. - They were such good seats that we had a perfect view., There was a lot of traffic. We missed our flight. - There was so much/ such a lot of traffic that we missed our flight., Joe ate a lot of biscuits. He felt sick. - Joe ate so many biscuits that he felt sick.,




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