the end part of a sleeve, where the material of the sleeve is turned back or a separate band is sewn on. - cuff [kʌf] - манжет/ обшлаг (відворот на кінці рукава);, a square of cotton or other finely woven material intended for wiping one's nose. - handkerchief [ hæŋkətʃɪf] - носовий платок;, an ornamental straight pin that has usually a sheath for the point and is used to hold the ends of a necktie in place. - tiepin [ taɪpɪn] - шпилька для краватки, a device for fastening together the sides of a shirt cuff, typically a pair of linked studs or a single plate connected to a short swivelling rod, passed through a hole in each side of the cuff. - cufflink [ kʌflɪŋk] - запонка для манжету;, a suit in which the jacket, vest, and pants are made of the same material. - three-piece suit [ ˈθriː piːs suːt ] - костюм «трійка», a suit of formal evening clothes including a tuxedo. - tuxedo [ tʌkˈsiːdəʊ ] - смокінг, a coat with tails. especially : a man's full-dress coat with two long tapering skirts at the back. - tail coat [ teɪl ˈkəʊt ] - фрак, a small, flat, rigid, rectangular case used for carrying documents - attache case [ əˈtæʃeɪ keɪs ] - дипломат, an elastic strap attached to a belt or garter, fastened to the top of a stocking to hold it up. - suspenders [ səˈspendəz ] - підтяжки, a wrap or scarf worn around the neck and face for warmth. - muffler [ ˈmʌflə ] - кашне, a watch worn on a strap round the wrist. - wristwatch [ ˈrɪstwɒtʃ ] - наручний годинник,
mens clothing
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