Is your career the career you thought you’d have when you were in high school?, Have you ever had to give a speech in front of a large group of people? How did it go?, Do you know anyone who is very disorganized but still able to be successful?, Who is the most organized person you know?, Have you ever forgotten about an important event? What happened?, What was the best business trip you’ve ever taken? The worst?, Who was your favorite college professor? How did this person influence you? How would your life be different if you hadn’t taken a class with this professor?, Is it okay for companies to not pay their interns? Why or why not? Did you have an internship? Was it a paid position?, What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now? How are you responding to this challenge?, What is a good age to retire? When you retire, do you think you’ll still work as a consultant or have a part-time job?, Do you think friends make good business partners? Why or why not?, What is the best customer service experience you’ve had? The worst?, What is the most controversial law in your industry? Why is it controversial? Do you think it will ever be changed?, Have you learned from your failures? If so, how?, Are you a multitasker? Do you think people multitask too much?, Do you think the office is a good place to get work done? Why or why not?, Who was more influential, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?, If you didn’t have your current job, what would you be doing?, Would you describe yourself as an optimist, pessimist, or realist? Which type of people do you think tend to be the most successful?, Tell us about a time you solved a problem by coming up with a creative solution., What unusual skill or regular skills have come in handy at your current job?.
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