Scaredy Cat - Someone who is afraid of everything, Graveyard Shift - To work through the night, Smell a Rat - To be suspicious of something or someone, Makes My Blood Boil - You feel extremely angry, Stab in the Back - Betray someone; do something against someone else, Skeleton in the Closet - Something embarrassing to keep secret, A Night Owl - Someone who loves to stay up late, A Devil of a Job - Something very difficult to do, Witching Hour - Time of the day when things feel crazy, To Be Chilled to the Bone - Freezing Cold, Bad Blood - When two people are angry at each other, Skeleton Staff - Smallest number of people to do a job, Scared Stiff - So scared you can't move, Scare the Pants Off Someone - To scare someone badly, A Ghost Town - No one is around, Drop Dead Gorgeous - Extremely beautiful ,

Scary/Spooky Idioms



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