1) who is this ? a) shelly b) bob's burger c) homer simpson 2) who is this ? a) bart simpson b) spongebob c) patrick star 3) who is this ? a) uncle jim  b) Miranda sings  c) Donald Trump  4) who dis ? a) Thomas J. Henery b) Joe Biden c) DONALD TRUMP 5) who dis old man he played four he went tick toc on my door . a) Albert Smarts b) albert einstien c) mily 6) who is this singer level 6 a) billy ray cyrus b) noah ray cyrus c) Mily Cyrus  7) whos this singer ? level 7 a) Victoria Justice b) Dwane Johnson c) spongebob 8) who is this singer level 22 a) Rock Johnson b) John mayor c) Mily Cyrus 9) who is this singer ? level 1 a) ariana grande b) dyln Monarck c) Billie 10) who dis ? a) THe one the only _______ JOHN CENA !!! b) patrick c) durrr 11) i saved the best for last ? a) PATRICK STARRRR b) SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS c) SQUIDWARD

cartoon shows !!!



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