Correct: Sawm, or siyyaam, is an Arabic word which means fasting., Fasting is compulsory for adult Muslims, We fast from Dawn, Fajr time till Sun set, Maghrib., We should not eat or drink during fasting, We should practice to use our tongue wisely, Allah is teaching us patience during fasting, Allah is teaching is to submit to Him because He's our Lord, We should have intention before fasting, We use our time in Ramadan in doing good deeds, Fasting is a protection from the evil and Hellfire,, We break our fasting once the sun sets, Incorrect: Children don't need to practice fasting in Ramadan, Fasting means Salah in Arabic , We fast in the month of Shawal, Ramadan is the 12th month , We fast from Zuhr till Asr., We can lie, cheat, and gossip during and after Ramadan, We fast in Ramadan to lose weight., We use our time in Ramadan in playing XBox., We don't need to sight the moon to start Ramadan, The meal we should eat before dawn is called iftar., The meal we eat at sun set is called suhur.,
Fasting in Ramadan 2
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