Hard clams - Mercenaria mercenaria, Oyster - Crassostrea virginica, QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown) - Has caused significant mortality of cultured clams in northeastern states, Perkinsus marinus - Directly transmitted between oysters, primarily when oysters with advanced infections die and disintegrate, Chlamydiales and Rickettsiales - Intracellular bacteria that are relatively common in bivalve molluscs, MSX disease (Multinucleate Sphere Unknown) - Introduced from Asia and is notorious as the cause of catastrophic (more than 90 percent) oyster mortality, Pathology may be exacerbated by stressors such as - high temperatures, poor water quality (presence of noxious algae or contaminants, low dissolved oxygen, etc), or high stocking densities.,

Introduction to Infectious Diseases in Molluscan Aquaculture


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