Sensory adaptation - decreasing responsiveness to a stimuli due to constant stimuli., Sensation - activation of sight smell hearing touch or taste, Cornea - protective covering on the front of the eyes, Pupil - opening in the center of the eyes, Lens - focuses light that enters the pupil, Retina - like a screen on the back of your eyes, Optic nerve - nerve leading from the retina that carries impulses to the occipital lobe of the brain, Rods - neurons that provide black and white vision, Cones - neurons that provide color vision, Trichromatic theory - a theory of color vision that says that we have three types of cones - red, blue, and green in the retina, Dichromatic color blindness - cannot see either red / green or blue /yellow shades, Monochromatic color blindness - can see only shades of gray, Afterimages - if you stare at a red image for a while and then if you look at a blank page you will see a green image because your receptors for red are fatigued, Opponent-process theory - theory of color vision that says that sensory receptors in the retina come in red / green, blue / yellow / or black / white pairs and if one is stimulated its pair is inhibited from firing, Sound waves - vibrations in the air that are collected by our ears, Gate-control theory - explains how we experience pain and how some pain messages have a higher priority than others and also how endorphins swing the gate shut on pain, Gustation (taste) - chemical sense that responds to four different types of chemicals sweet, salty, sour, bitter, Olfaction - sense of smell, Vestibular sense - sense that tells us how our body is oriented in space by using three semicircular canals in the ear, Kinesthetic sense - receptors in our muscles and joints give us feedback about the position and orientation of specific body parts,


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