King Cobra: Nickname: The Hooded Villain, 20 pounds, 18 feet long, Lives in the forests of India & Southeast Asia, long & legless, Bites with front fangs, Venom can paralyze within minutes, Sprint speed is 5 miles per hour, Favorite food: snakes, Can swim and climb trees, Venom can kill an elephant or 20 people, Komodo Dragon: Nickname: The Salivating Attacker, 300 pounds, 10 feet long, Lives in Indonesia, Thick with wide-set legs, Tears into prey and spreads venom in the wounds, Venom can sometimes take days to have its full effect, Sprint speed is 12 miles per hour, Favorite food: small mammals, lizards, snakes, Resembles the look and walk of a dinosaur, Has a deadly bacteria in its mouth, Both: Scaly skin, Has teeth, Has venom, Tongue helps to smell/sense nearby prey,

Comparing & Contrasting King Cobras and Komodo Dragons



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