AD - Anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord," the time we live in now, anti-Semitism - prejudice against Jews, Arab - an ethnic group that is in most of the Middle East, BC/BCE - Before Christ or Before Common Era, time long ago, British mandate of Palestine - Before Palestine was split between Arab and Jewish state, British had control., CE - Common Era, the time we live in now, circa - around this time (c. 3000 BC), civil war - war between people in the same country to fight for power, colony - a territory outside of your country that your country controls, Diaspora - scattering of a people, in this case, the Jewish people, Gulf states - countries around the Persian Gulf that contain a lot of oil, homeland - The Kurds do not have one, and the Jews finally got one in 1948., Kurds - an ethnic group in the mountains of Iran, Iraq, and Syria that have no homeland, League of Nations - A group of nations formed for world peace that did not work out after World War I, legacy - passing something down to another person, mandates - places that the British and French controlled after World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, migrate - moving from one place to another as the Jews did from Israel to Europe and then back to Israel, minority - when there are few of you in a group or country, oil - one of the major reasons for United States involvement in Southwest Asia, Osama bin Laden - head of the Taliban and coordinated the September 11 attacks on the United States that led to the Afghanistan conflict, Ottoman Empire - the empire that existed in Southwest Asia before World War I, Palestine - the area where the British controlled a territory that evenually wanted to be part of a Jewish homeland, partition - separating something into different parts like the split between the British and French after the Ottoman Empire or the splitting of Palestine for Jews and arabs, primary source - a source from that time period, secondary source - a source that comes after that time period to talk about that time like a history textbook, Shia - Muslims that believe the next Muslim leader after Muhammad should have been from Muhammad's family, Sunni - Muslims that believe the leader after Muhammad does not have to be from his family, Sykes-Picot Agreement - the agreement between the British and French on how to split up the Ottooman Empire, Taliban - militant Islamic group headquarter in Afghanistan and led by Osama bin Laden, Zionist - Jews that want a homeland in Israel,

SW Asia History


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