1) How many days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur a) 10 b) 5 c) 13 2) What does Yom Kippur mean a) Days of asking b) Days of Awe c) Days of fasting 3) Why do we eat apple and honey on Rosh Hashanah ? a) For a sweet new year b) For the circle of the years c) So we can do a lot of good deeds 4) On Yom Kippur we a) Fast b) Eat round challah c) Sit in the Sukkah  5) We sit in a hut on the holiday of a) Rosh Hashanah  b) Sukkot c) Yom Kippur 6) Simchat Torah a) Celebrating the Torah b) Reading the Torah c) Writing the Torah 7) What is a Shofar? a) a sharks' tooth b) a Ram's horn c) a Rhino horn

Tishrei holidays



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