1) He told me …… to avoid hurting my feelings. a) a white lie b) a black lie 2) The vintage car turned out to be ……. and was very expensive to maintain. a) a white cat b) a white elephant 3) She felt ……… after seeing a robber. a) as white as paper b) as white as a sheet 4) The manager is …… who saves the company from all its problems. a) a white elephant b) a white knight c) a white boss d) a white teacher 5) The snowstorm made the holiday ……,,, a) a white Christmas b) a white party 6) He is …….. who works in finance. a) a white-glove service b) a white-collar worker 7) She was …….,. when meeting her boyfriends parents. a) white as a sheet b) whiter than white 8) The hotel offered ……for all its guests. a) white-glove service b) a white elephant 9) He felt guilty and waved ……during the debate. a) white-glove service b) a white flag 10) Their marriage was a big…… held in a church. a) white wedding b) a white lie

Colour idioms white



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