Tawheed is the key to all ____ in this life and the ____, without Tawheed no actions are ____ by Allah. Tawheed his the ____ to Paradise so therefore every Muslim should seek ____ of Tawheed.A person also needs to ____ shirk which is the biggest ____ anyone can do. Shirk the ____ sin. Indeed the greatest thing that Allah ____ us with is Tawheed. The greatest thing that Allah ____us from is shirk. Shirk is the worship of ____ besides Allah and it is the greatest sin. As we know that Allah is our creator our provider our sustainer the one who gives ____ and death ____ health eyesight and every other ____ then only he deserves to be worshipped in truth. And to ____ worship to those who do not deserve is the greatest sin and this is ____ and this oppression is ____. The proof is the saying of Allah. Allah said "worship Allah and join none with him in worship". Some examples of shirk :to make sujood prostration to other ____ Allah such as an idol or a grave or stone. This is is the ____ of Allah only.____ something that cannot hear you or answer you or or not able to do ____ for you since they have no ____ or ability or life if. So therefore you should call upon Allah ____, the one who can ____ you answer you prayers and ____ that which you asked for him he is able to do everything

Tawheed lesson 7


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