1) Will you reduce your screen time this year? 2) What book you have been meaning to read for ages and you want to start in the new year? 3) If you could travel anywhere this year where would you go? 4) What hobby have you been meaning to pick up but never did? Will you give it a go in the new year? 5) What is one item on your bucket list you would like to check off this year? 6) What language goals would you like to achieve in the new year? 7) What health goals do you want to reach this year? (Start running, sleep more, etc.) 8) Will you dedicate your time to some creative project this year? 9) What places in your city would you like to visit this year? 10) What activities would you like to try out in the new year? 11) What lesson did the previous year teach you? Will you follow it this year? 12) Would you like to make any new social connections this year or dedicate time to strengthening older ones? 13) Would you like to work as a volunteer this year? What activities would you care to participate in? 14) What new play/movie/concert would you like to see/go to in the new year? 15) Do you make New Year's Resolutions annually? If yes, would you name some for thus year?

new year resolutions


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