population - a group of organisms living in a certain area, ecology - the study of how organisms live and interact in their environment.other , ecosystem - made up of groups of organisms and their environment., biotic factor - a living factor in an ecosystem, abiotic factor - a non-living factor in an ecosystem, autotroph - an organism that is able to make its own food , producer - Organisms that take in the sun’s energy and store it in their cells, heterotroph - an organism that cannot make its own food, consumer - an organism that gets its energy by consuming other organisms, carnivore - an animal that eats only meat , herbivore - an animal that eats only plants, omnivore - an animal that eats both plants and meat, decomposer - get their energy by consuming wastes, food chain - organisms that rely on each other for food, food web - show all of the food chains in an ecosystem, habitat - where an organism lives, symbiosis - the study of the relationships between two organisms in a community, mutualism - the symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms involved, commensalism - a relationship where one organism benefits, but the other organism is not helped or hurt from the relationship, parasitism• - a relationship where one organism benefits, but the other organism is harmed by the relationship ,
Ecology Vocabulary Review
9th Grade
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