Would you rather raise a tiger or a bear? Why?, What is something people misunderstand about you?, If you had a giftcard for $300 to one store, which store would you choose?, What is something you wish you were really good at?, Name two people or two things that make you laugh., If you could trade places with someone for one day, who would it be?, Do you think money can buy happiness? Why or why not?, What is something about your life that you wouldn't want to change?, What is a food you eat multiple times a week?, Would you rather explore space or the ocean? Why?, You have been granted two wishes. What are you wishing for? The only rule is that you can't ask for more wishes. , What is one piece of advice you would give to teachers?, If you were going to pick a song or a musician to listen to right now, what would it be?, What is your dream car?, Finish the sentence: A friend or family member I would give a medal to is_________________ because _________________..
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