child custody - Bruce and Samantha are married and live in London with their two children. Bruce took the children on holiday to Scotland and decided to stay there with the children. , workplace discrimination - Gerry was promoted to be the manager. Nancy had more experience and better results. All the other managers are men., debt - John owes Samantha £10,000. Samantha doesn’t want to pay because john crashed her car when she lent it to him., nuisance - Fatima can’t sleep because her neighbours, Phil and Karen, have parties every night., dispute - Ibrahim can’t enjoy his garden because Mustapha, the neighbour, lets his dog use Ibrahim’s garden as a toilet. Ibrahim wants Mustapha to pay for a wall between their gardens., negligence - Arthur bought a bicycle from Jim’s bike shop.. The first time he rode the bicycle the wheel fell off because Jim had forgotten to tighten the wheel. Arthur fell and broke his arm., fraud - Jim was living in his brother’s flat and pretended to be his brother so he could get discount when he bought the flat from the council., theft - Alice gave her sister, Laura, a mobile phone for Laura’s birthday. They had an argument at the party so allice took the phone back the next day and gave it to her boyfriend instead., counterfeiting - Wahid noticed that Nike socks were more expensive than plain black socks so he bought 100 pairs of plain black socks and embroidered a Nike logo onto them and sold them at the market., supply of controlled substances - Barry grew some marijuana in his garden and gave some to his friends., actual bodily harm - Luke and his wife Deborah had an argument. Debra said Luke was uglier than his brother Ian, Luke slapped Deborah in the face and his ring cut her cheek a little bit., murder - Jill was sick and dying and in pain and in hospital. She had no chance of getting better. She asked jack to unplug the machine, which was keeping her alive, so she could and die in peace and stop feeling pain. Jack agreed and debar died the same day., rape - Dennis and Cathy were in love. Cathy agreed to have sex with Dennis after one year of being together so they went to a special hotel which Dennis paid for. They went to bed and started kissing but then Cathy decided she wanted to wait a bit longer and she said she didn’t want to have sex that evening. Dennis made sure Cathy was very drunk and they had sex anyway.,

What type of crime / civil disagreement?


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