1) Do you think people / the people should be sent to the prison / prison for shoplifting / the shoplifting? 2) Do you think women / the women make better / the better managers than men / the men?  3) True or false? The Toyota / Toyota is largest / the largest producer of car / the cars / cars.  4) Which country is bigger in terms of area Russia / the Russia or USA / the USA?  5) In which two countries is Mt Everest / the Mt Everest?  6) Which is brighter Moon / the Moon or Venus / the Venus?  7) Did you go to college / a college / the college or university / a university / the university? If so, what did you study?  8) Which is a nearest / the nearest / nearest hospital to here?  9) Do you ever look out of window / a window / the window and dream when you are at office / the office?  10) Name one famous singer from sixties / the sixties and one from nineties / the nineties.  11) Have you ever swum in Mediterranean / the Mediterranean Sea or Pacific Ocean / the Pacific Ocean? 12) What changes would you make if you were manager / a manager / the manager of your office? 13) Which river is longer Nile / the Nile or Amazon / the Amazon?



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